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The mission of DREAM–The Diversity Recruitment Educators Association  for Miami Valley is unifying efforts to recruit, support and mentor Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) educators by coordinating recruiting, mentoring and growing professionals across the Miami Valley and Dayton region.


We are working together as DREAM to increase the recruitment and retention of diverse educators in the Dayton, OH and Miami Valley Region. 

 Studies show Black, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous, and white students all benefit from having passionate diverse educators of color as  positive role models, for them to set high expectations, reduce negative discipline occurrences, and help students achieve better outcomes. 
We are working together across 25 districts in our region, to implement best practice strategies for recruiting high-quality teachers that are representative of our students’ communities. We hope that you will consider joining DREAM to help transform the lives and school experiences of BIPOC students and their families. 

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Our Story

Lunch with colleagues; this is how it all began.


Human Resources colleagues became friends by simply eating together. We discussed how we, as HR professionals, could be intentional about making a difference within our community, our districts and ultimately our profession.  In the midst of COVID, political unrest and racial tensions, lunch with colleagues became the agent for meaningful conversations about diversity, equity gaps, opportunity and representation. What does it all mean? Who is doing it well? How can we invoke change? 


These unplanned conversations became the catalyst for DREAM, Diversity Recruitment Educators Association for Miami Valley. A partnership with Learn to Earn was created and a shared funding model was initiated providing the seed money and outline necessary to formalize the organizational vision. From there, we shared the vision with others in an effort to garner support from other districts who share the vision. To date, DREAM is a non-profit 4013c with over 20 area member school districts working together to make a difference in the Miami Valley. 

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Association Officers

© 2023 DREAM All Rights Reserved

Created by Spark Space Creative

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